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the ramble returns ♡ 



Woooo, return of the Rambles! I also don't think there is a wrong way to do rambles imo, just rambling/talking about w.e. is kinda in the name :) Kudos for you holding back and not posting the first recordings with airing some laundry you dont want aired for heat of the moment. A LOT of people would say fuck it and do it, but that's a lot of maturity to hold back on that. And I'm so sorry you got all the family drama that's going on. I know you said youve had it your whole life, but hoping it calms down a bit for you shortly ❤️. And congrats on your doggo! Dogs are the best and Im sure you two will become the best of friends soon ^.^ any chance for some immersion breaks and we can get some pics of him? (Obviously only if you're comfortable with that) and sounded like your trip was super eventful and always some great stories to talk about!


well there ya go, i just found out that i love to listen to people ramble haha