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Hello, my beautiful people!

I am tired as hell (insomnia last night) but I still forced myself to get on my feet. I could easily sleep till night and work on the night shift for a while but...

Last week, I got the ok from my doctor to get back on the dance floor. I plan to that tomorrow night, and I do not want it to affect my workflow. If I'm on the night shift, that would mean to start the day with the dance session and I doubt I'd be very productive afterward.

I'm pretty excited about that, but also quite nervous. I haven't dance in 5 years. I'm pretty sure I still know how to. But back in the day, it took me three weeks to get enough confidence to ask someone to dance (yeah, I can be pretty shy sometime), and back then, I was in the ballpark in terms of age group. 

The scene has changed quite a lot since then. When I left, the newbies where a lot younger than when I started. And the people I knew pretty much all went on with their lives. So... I'll probably be the old man, in the corner, nobody knows. It will take me a lot of social skills I might not have anymore. 

Oh! And since I still can't drink alcohol because of my surgery... no liquid courage :P
Crossing fingers and hopping I'll see a few familiar faces.

This week

I have no idea... Let me get breakfast first, and I'll either find a subject quickly, or move on page 9 if my mind is still a blank.

See you guys soon!



Take all the time you need, no rush at all 👍