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Thursday was a complete waste.
No cable, no internet.
Turns out, I need it to do my job :P

Rest assure, On Friday, everything was back to normal and I've been hard at work since than. I was hoping to post the new pic tonight, alas, It still need a few hours of work (I spent way too much time on a background that you'll never see), and my plan is to complete it tomorrow (Sunday).

See you guys soon!



If you're feeling generous, maybe let us see the background on its own? Anything you put that much time into deserves some appreciation.


will do In fact I'm thinking that once I'm done with this pic, I'll take the rest of the day to extract all the backgrounds I can from the last few years worth of pictures... so I have a good collection I can easily reuse.


That sounds like a very useful longterm time saver. On the plus side, it's something you can putter around with at your own pace. Very nice. 🙂