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Hello my beautiful people.
How are you doing?

I ain't bad. In fact I had a good week. I do have a light health issue, slightly related to my surgery, but it's mild. I'm going through my first Hemorrhoids flair up... And I may tell you something that will surprise you: It's not enjoyable :P 

That said, I passed a few blood tests last Monday, also spoke to my surgeon last Thursday, and she is really please with my healing process. According to her, everything is right on schedule and what remains of the sides effects where to be expected and should resolve themselves in the next few months. I had 2 major surgeries, in 1 go, and slow healing (apparently I'm part of a group study on this) and lack of energy is to be expected. After all, I did lose 80 pounds in 4 months. And that is a LOT!!!! 

So I decided to stop complaining about it for a while and trust in the process.

This week: 

I have nothing planed yet. I haven't even had breakfast yet so... Let me start the day, and I'll see how I feel about starting to work on page 9 or if a pinup would be better.

See you guys soon!



Hemoroids are the worst. Take as much fiber as you can get


that's part of the problem... I can't ... I gotta concentrate in eating proteins and trust that all the vitamins I've been prescribe fills the void :P


You have lost 20lbs a month! For four months! That’s amazing! Once you stabilize you will feel amazing! Congrats!


Yeah... I'm pretty happy with that. If I remember correctly, I still have 50/60 pound to lose to get the perfect BMI... I personally aim for another 30 pounds instead, which would take me to 215-210 pounds (this is what I was the happier with, back then ). But I don't have a lot of control about it for the moment. The surgery will take me where the surgery wants me.

Didi Solomon

Don't want to brand plug, but... TUCKS medicated pads have been a godsend for hemorrhoids for us. Weirdly, a pretty old-school formulation, too -- witch hazel and stuff. They smell a little like apple vinegar and really seemed to help.

Sven M.

Great news.