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How are you doing my beautiful people?
I'm a bit of the weaker side today, but I feel fine.

I had a great week but not such a great weekend. Although, it wasn't that bad. I had a small crash down on Friday. Probably due to the 16h working session of last Thursday. I knew it was a bad idea at the time... that I should have stop myself at the 8 hours mark, but I was loving what I was doing on the Superman v Wonder-Woman pic so much, I didn't want to stop the flow. The picture is fantastic, but the cost on my health was a bit much. I got to remind myself that I don't have the energy reserve that I use to.

I took a 3 day long weekend. Watched "Masters of the Universe Revolution" (which was fantastic by the way) and finished season 4 of "Classic Doctor Who". This one was a bit harder to get through since pretty much all of it has been lost. So I had to do with the "Loose Cannon" reconstructions. The season itself is pretty good. The second doctor is immensely more interesting that the first one (I really didn't like the first doctor: old arrogant fart, basically kidnapping companions out of spite. Forcing his granddaughter to stay on a post-apocalyptic earth with the first guy she ever like... although, she was annoying as hell. So... I kindda forgave him that one... Doing whatever he wants disregarding everyone's safety and not having the decency to explain anything but assuming everyone will go with his plan without question. His regeneration couldn't come soon enough if you ask me. But I did like Barbara, Ian and Vicki ). And I loved the Ben / Polly / Jaime trio of companions.

That said even after 3 days of doing nothing. I'm still running on empty.

So... This week

No promises on comic page... I'll have to see if my energy comes back first.

Today, I'll be working on some small modification for Tracy's comic. We are almost done... but her process can be involving. She basically took my 7 pages books and turned it into a 14 pages monstrosity (I don't mean it in a bad way :P)... when she showed me the new version, I offered myself to do the small editing of the art that was needed. She usually does that herself, but I want to ease her burden as well as make the best issue as possible for you guys.

Tomorrow, if I feel stronger, I'll start working on page #9. If not, I was thinking about a picture about Nova from "Planet of the apes" which is one of my earliest fictional crushes... of course.

We'll see how things go.
See you guys soon!


Tracy Scops

That’s preposterous!!! It was 9 pages that became 15… 🫣


Doctor 2 is still very much a grumpy curmudgeon. It's not until 3 that you get better acting and companions. I prefer the later doctors over the early ones, but they all have their positives and negatives.