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How are you doing my beautiful people?

This is it: The last day of my "vacation." I still managed to produced two pics, but it was fun to draw just because I felt like it and not put myself under the pressure to publish something.

I went to the theatre to watch "Mission Impossible" (not disappointed). I've finished "Venture Bros". Started the season 3 of "Warriors" (I ADORE that show). Watched the two episodes of "Ashoka" (middle of the road so far). Started the DLC of "Maneater" on PS5 (underwhelming), and played some "Sniper Elite" last night (I love this game but I get my ass kicked all the time and the controls are confusing).

It rained pretty much everyday I went out so I didn't get as much exercise as planed. Now if I could just put some energy on cleaning the place :P

Anyway... I had a great time.

This week

So, I decided to stop circling the drain and just start working on the comic all ready. I can't say I'm super excited. I love my script but I feel like I played in the sandbox so many times, it lost it's luster a longtime ago. It doesn't help that with the exception of "Andor" and "The Mandalorian" season 1 and 2, I haven't loved a "Star Wars" product since "Episode 7" and even that was mostly memberberries. I'm not sure I can still call myself a "Star Wars" fan at this point. This won't be the last chapter but... get ready, this series will get an ending someday. That said, tomorrow, I'll start working on laying out the pages and and see how long this thing will be.

That's it.
See you guys soon.


Supreme Overlord Llama

I am pretty much in the exact boat when it comes to Star Wars. I do still like the universe and characters just the current products. Personally I really enjoy stuff that people like yourself do with that Star Wars but there are so many other cool franshises to work with as well that I would perfectly happy if you worked on other comics. Like you said yourself, you played in the sandbox a lot so I am sure it can get stale. On a complete other note, I forget what games you own but if know one has recommneded it yet at Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy to your wishlist.


I can totally relate to your franchise fatigue. A lot of shows and movies these days feel rushed, lackluster, or just plain disconnected from what made the source material great. I think you're right to follow your heart for your art. You have a knack for finding that 'spark' when you do and producing some truly beautiful pieces of subjects that don't get as much attention as they deserve. Plus, it's always fun to see where a rabbit hole leads.


I actually think your comic works quite well even if you're not a huge fan of the sequel trilogy, your work is subversive anyway. The archetypal loyal sidekick of the original SW trilogy being subverted into the dominant personality of the comic is a great touch, and so is Rey, the ultimate Mary Sue, as a slave. And btw, ever since Disney decided to deconstruct the two principal heroes of the franchise, most old SW fans aren't anymore since their love for one (or both) of those characters was a big part of their fandom in the first place. You're certainly not alone.

StompBot 9000

Sometime after the prequels came out, I realized there were fewer Star Wars movies I liked (2.5) than ones I disliked (3.5). I think if people could just make peace with the idea that liking individual works in a series don't somehow obligate you to like everything, they would have an easier time just enjoying things.

Golm Dravus

I recommend reading the Legends books or listening to them on audio. In February this year I was bed-ridden after eye surgery, couldn't see a thing for weeks, and listened to the whole New Jedi Order (abridged) books. Then I went onto the Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi. The first Legacy of the Force book was a bit disappointing (with all the characters acting super stupid to the point it felt like comedy) but the rest were good... if dark. Then I moved onto to older stuff: the Heir to the Empire. They were a bit weird, but I think you'd like them, especially the sequel. Lots of Wookiee stuff with Chewbacca and Salporin saving Leia from Noghri.