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Hello my beautiful people!
Last week was a bit slim but for good reasons.

The Enid pic took a lot longer than expected... On Friday I showed up to help Tracy on a book... as for Thursday, I had a fit of insomnia and was too tired to work. I've also been dealing with Patreon shenanigans all week. To make a long story short; they sent me way too much money last week and the help center don't seem to acknowledge the problem. It's frustrating cause I know that, at the end of their fiscal year, somebody will realize it and ask for it back, and I will have to have kept it until than if I still want to do busyness on this site. I tried to stop the payment ahead of time. I also tried to tell them and return the money as soon as the transfer happened. And all I get from their help center is something along the lines of: "We know we had a technical problem, but it's now fixed and you can now withdraw your money safely". Yeah, cause... you see, as I am writhing this, the amount is still showing on my payouts page!!! Although probably not for long. I figure that as soon as the banks open today, they are going to wire it to me... again... for the third time.

So I did the only thing I can think of... I've opened a side account the hold the extra cash until someone on patreon's team realize their mistake and they come looking for it.

All of this is why I couldn't concentrate on my script last week. I just had too much on my mind.

This Week.

The priority is the Star Wars script. But I'll also try to squeeze in a picture for you guys... or the cover if I'm satisfied with my script.

And I'm going to see "Barbie" this afternoon. Can't wait.
See you guys soon!


Tassadar Talimar

If it's a decent amount, try sticking it in a savings account for some better interest maybe?


Nice. Might we be seeing a Barbie and Ken Beach Party orgy like the X-Men Pool Party at some point?


HAHAHAHAHA!! I never though of that... but that might be fun although, they might be lacking in genitals :P My next big orgy scene is already planned, but could easily be adapted for this. I'm thinking about a sexy car wash.


exactly what I did if I'm lucky the interests will cover whatever fees I might encounter