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Hello my beautiful people.

I did not forget you. I just had a weird day.

I had a meeting with my doctor about my diabetes, of course since I had to wake up at a specific time, that meant I didn't slept at all last night (classic). The meeting went a LOT longer than expected. I managed to injure myself (calf strain, not fun), and I am now a cyborg.

Needleless to say, I crashed as soon as I got home. It is now midnight and I just woke up :P

This week:

More of the same. I plan to work on page 5 and 6 of Tracy's book, because of the insomnia fit I had, I have NO idea how this will go. But as usual, I'll give it my whole. So far, it has been one of the best books I ever drew ( Art wise anyway... but the story is also super sweet and wholesome, I love it) and I mean to keep that level of quality into it.

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!


Tracy Scops

I can vouch for that. Best art Alx did, imo. Hope you recover well and quick, my friend.

Ty Last

Hey there! I like your designs and illustrations :) check dm