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How are you doing my beautiful people?
This month has been underwhelming to say the least. But I'm all right.

I am feeling better. Still coughing quite a bit, though. I hope I'll shake it out soon; I have a meeting scheduled with a doctor in two weeks and they won't let me in the building if I still cough.

Speaking of this, I will get surgery soon (that is what this meeting is about. ). They tell me "within a couple of weeks" which can mean anything between two weeks and six months around here. This is good news. I've been on the waiting list for this for about five or six years (the waiting list for this is usually two to three years). I was suppose to receive it three years ago (I didn't have a date yet), but than Covid hit, and later my surgeon got pregnant. So it's been a long wait. The plan is for it to help me to take so weight off by injured back, so I can walk and exercise again more easily.

That said:

1- It is a bariatric surgery, which isn't risk free.

2- I have NO idea how the healing part will go. I will probably have to take a rest for a few weeks, but I don't know how long. I'm lucky enough to work from home, so I should be able to come back to you guys faster than usual, but we'll see. I will as usual keep you guys in the loops.

This week:

I have quite a big commission on my hand and I find it hard to focus on it. But that's the plan. I hope for two pictures since June is almost here and I have a colab with Tracy scheduled for June 1st.

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!



Take care of yourself and don't worry i hope everything goes well


Take care, Alx! Best of luck!


Waiting list for *years*!??!? That is insane. Glad you're finally getting it taken care of though.


Covid has been an issue. That's the price for a public system. when it's not an emergency, you wait. I could have gone to private and get processed within days / weeks, but I didn't have the 20 000 $ they ask for.