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How are you doing my beautiful people?

I had a rough week to say the least.

I've already touched the subject a few days ago, but just in case, I got sick. It started on Tuesday (or was it Monday... I kindda lost track of time). All day I had this weird feeling, like if I was breathing near an indoor pool. The air felt thick and itching in the back of my throat. I even felt like I had swallowed water once or twice during the day. Than later that night (right in the middle of a panic attack regarding last week interview) I started having some trouble breathing (nothing major). I though it was the anxiety until the coughing started. I barely slept that night.

The next 3 days where hell :P Pain everywhere, especially the face. Coughing non-stop. The only thing I could do to tolerate myself was taking meds and sleep as much as possible so that time would past faster. I passed a Covid test just in case, but that wasn't it.

On Saturday, I started to feel better and watched "Picard, season 3" instead of sleeping.

Yesterday was med free... I watched "Archer" all day.

Today is a lot better. Very little coughing. The nose keeps running. I could probably work, but since today is a statutory holiday in Canada, I'll use it to rest a little bit more in the hope to heal just a bit faster.

Hopefully, I should be back to work tomorrow.
See you guys soon!


Mark B

Hope you get well soon