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How are you doing my beautiful people?

Very happy with last week's production again. I think both pieces are especially nice to look at. It's always nice to feel like you did something great. Not that don't always push myself as much as possible but I can't say that it will always show.

I feel like I'm on a hot streak at the moment.

This week...

Might be a bit weird. I feel extremely tired today. I have no reason for this. I took the whole weekend off. I slept ok. I should feel refreshed, but I'm anything but... so I'm assuming that I'll probably be sick soon ( that's usually it is... it's about time for my spring flue. Let's hope the shots I had a few month ago will be effective ). Anyway, today, as I was preparing for the next commission, I realized I just didn't have the energy to work on this. Too many characters, too many details... In fact the next four are like that.

So, I decided to work on something simpler and smaller today. Don't worry guys. I'll work on your commission as soon as my batteries are charging again.

Well, That's it for now.

No fun personal thing to talk about this week. I ended up binging the full recap of Riverdale by Alex Meyers last Saturday cause I was curious why so many people where saying it went crazy last season... It went crazy last season. There are super powers, the devil, angels from the future, an asteroid and the world is save by a lesbian kiss... I think... cause now they are in the 50's and no one remember anything.

I had watched the first 15 minutes when the first episode came out back in the day. That was enough for me to known it wasn't for me. There was no way I'd submit myself to 6 seasons just to know what the fuzz was about. Even now, that 3-4h recap was enough... but I can't deny that it was fun.

See you guys soon!


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