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So... How was your week?
Mine was... eventful, to say the least :P

I seriously wasn't expecting so many reactions, and when the harsher ones started to come in, I was taken aback. I spent almost 10 hours strait, online, making sure it wouldn't get out of hand.

That said, I gotta say, you guys were great. I saw so many of these "debates" taking really bad turns, but despite some serious disagreement, you managed to keep it respectful (and I do not just mean polite). I can't thank you enough for this. It helped me a lot.

Production wise, I am really happy with the result. That 1rst piece ended up gorgeous and  while the 2nd piece took FOREVER to color, it was well worth it.

I'm now entering a weird place on the commission list. It has a bunch of reserved slots where the commissioners didn't sent any descriptions. I'm contacting them in order to see if they are still interested and get the subjects they'd like me to tackle.

In these circumstances, I'm not entirely sure on what this week's production will constitute. Rest assure, I'll find something!

Also, Wednesday night is when my friends and I scheduled that D&D session that got postponed 2 weeks ago. Can't wait ^^

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!


Mark B

Not wanting to drag it back up, but I only saw the commentry on Patreon which was obvisouly devisive but fairly respectful. I am curious if there was more discussion elsewhere (not actually interested in THAT discussion) and if so am I missing your presence on some other social media site?


Yes, I agree, during heated debates it is necessary to maintain respect for each other and I'm glad that you had it. Great update. take care!


A bit on HF but is went well there also. only one comment that is SO much on a troll, it totally disarmed me The rest was mostly PMs. with member of this community. again it was very respectful even with those who challenged me on my view.


so, in einseight I might not have had to stress as much as I did :p I am not use to those types of "crisis". I kept getting notifications and I kept answering as fast as I could.

Mark B

Ah yes, I'm not on HF but that's OK, too many feeds already. I forgot about DMs, yes I can see how that would be stressful!