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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE peering Miranda and Jack together. Eversince I first played Mass Effect 2. I always imagined that scene where Jack get feed up with the "cheerleader" ending in Miranda getting pinned against the wall at shut up by a long sexy slobbering kiss before being spun around and Jack having her way with her from behind. In my head, Jack would always end up on top... The only reason I didn't drew more of that scenario are those goddamn tattoos. Until that time where an A.I. will take my work and add in the tatoos, I'll limit my drawings of Jack to a minimum... Forget about a comic :P

The commissioner forced me to reevaluate my head cannon of their relationship a little here, but that was a fun one to draw.

Hope you guys dig it!




I'm always happy to see some Jack, she doesn't get enough love.

Supreme Overlord Llama

I would almost say this is a classic paring in the mass effect community XD The omni straps really pop, nice job.


Love it! While I'm generally into Liara/Peebee/Asari more... can't deny that Miranda and Jack are iconic, and you've done a great job of "flipping the script" and putting Miranda in charge. Wonderful work.


Glorious!!! Love it Alx. Im digging it harder.