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I forgot about the update yesterday, didn't I ?
After the week I had, can you blame me for trying to forget about it?

This week should be a lot more enjoyable. Tomorrow night I have my first D&D session planned in YEARS, and I'm very excited about that. Thursday night, I'm going to a show. I received the ticket on Christmas. I don't know who this is ( my mom was under the impression I was a fan ) but discovering new stuff is always interesting, even when it's bad.

I'm well into the new commission. I hope to complete it today, or tomorrow AM. It's a fun one. And for the rest of the week I'll just work on a simple pic by my self since I have too much planed to deal with the back and forth.

That's if for now.
See you guys soon!


Kit H.

Who are you seeing?

Kobold Lad

D&D cleanses the soul, have fun!

Supreme Overlord Llama (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-13 10:39:12 D&D or D&D like stuff is awesome.
2023-04-11 18:14:22 D&D or D&D like stuff is awesome.

D&D or D&D like stuff is awesome.


The ticket for Christmas...don't you think it's a bit early for Christmas in the spring? ☺☺☺☺😉😉😄😄😄😉😉


hahaha I honestly don't remember. Some story teller/musician from Quebec. I just remember telling my mother that I had no idea who that was when she told me about my gift :P

Kit H.

That’s awesome. It’s like a blind date with a concert. Good on you for being a good sport and going.


we do this all the time. every Christmas and birthdays we give each other an activity to do together. Often we need to take a shot in the dark. It's not always great... the last 3 years, the results where so so. two boring plays and a terrible movie. but we both enjoy the discovery aspect.