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This is me, going to hell.

This idea popped in mind during the first week of my vacation. Friday, realising I wouldn't have the time for a new comissions ( the constant back and forth slowing everything down ), I though it was the perfect time for it.

I was probably around 17-18 years old when Big Comfy Couch first started. WAY too old for that kind of show. Even though I already knew I would someday work on children entertainment and was keeping in tough ( often enjoying ) with kids tv shows, BCC was for a much younger demographic than the one I was aiming for.

That said, every time I would stumble on the show, I would watch for longer than necessary, just because I though the main character was cute as hell.

Hope you'll dig it!

PS: I obviously don't work in children entertainment anymore... I know you guys know this but you know... better safe than sorry :P




It blew my mind when I found out she was also the voice actor for jubilee in the xmen cartoon


I honestly had no idea. I don't know the first thing about the show. only that I always liked the set design and she looked cute. I still don't know if she's suppose to be a clown, of a doll :P