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How are you doing my beautiful people?

It has been a LOOONNG but fun week for me.

3 pages and a picture were a hell of an ask, but I managed. Tracy's book has been delivered. There might be some correction on the last pages, but I consider this project as completed. Now, let's hope that her colorist is fast, because I'm really please with this one and can't wait to show you guys.

Yesterday I joked about blaming my PS5 for the tardiness on the latest pic. But really, it didn't change much on that regard. What it did cost me was sleep :P I'm use to wake up, spend 1h on my emails and "morning" routine work between 8 to 12 hours (depending on my objectives of the day), watch a movie or a show and go to sleep.

Instead of watching TV, I fired up my PS5, and before I knew it I played 4 to 5 hours. I didn't really noticed at first, but those 2/3 hours of missing sleep started to add up fast. I'll have to be aware of that. I haven't owned a console since my PS2 way back when (and there were those two years I had a coloc with a PS4). I'm not use to how involving and addictive these things can get.

Last night I completed "Spider-man Remastered". I still have "Miles Morales" and "God or War" waiting for me. But If you have games suggestions for me, fire away. The next series I'll buy will be "Horizon" because that first game was just mind blowing, but other than that, I barely know any title. I'm not really into first personal shooters. But if anything was to trigger my motion sickness, you'd think "Spider-man" would have been it, so I'm willing to give it a try.

So, This week...

I'm re-evaluating what I said last week about my vacation. I have the car RIGHT NOW, it'd be stupid for me to push back my vacation to next month.

Here's the plan. This week: I'll work on pinups, do my taxes ( yeah, it's time ) and next weekend I will go on a two-week hiatus and be back for the 5th on March. I'll probably mostly play on my PS5, clean the apartment and finally go and see "The way of water". But I also would like to take some time to try and assimilate Manara's techniques. I bought a few of his book in the last months for that exact reason.

Of course I'll keep in tough, and if Tracy releases the first issue during that time I will hit the web to send it your way.

Well, that's it for now.
Now, I gotta do my taxes.

See you guys soon!



If you see Way of Water do it in 3D. If you can’t wait till it comes out on streaming or blu-ray. It’s has some amazing CGI but that is the movies biggest strength. I won’t say more because of spoilers.