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How are you doing my beautiful people?

First, I need to apologize for the lack of content last week.

I did manage to layout all of the pages on the second Tracy's comic, and drew pages 2 & 3 ( looking great by the way ) but when came the time to squeeze in the pinup on Saturday, I suffered from a complete lack of imagination and couldn't find anything good.

I did finally start working on something fun this morning and just completed the linework a few minutes ago. But there's still a full day needed for the colors and tomorrow I gotta go back on the comic. So this new pinup will have to wait a until next thursday / friday.

This week, 

I'm aiming for another 3 pages on Tracy's book, And I plan on leaving Friday night to spend the weekend with friends ( Still gotta call them first :P )

Yeah, this update is a bit of a mess. So is my mind today!
See you guys soon!




Ooh, is that the Dungeon Master from the D&D cartoon?


In honor of the new Dungeon and Dragon film?


A new Dungeons and Dragons cartoon pic? 😀


Its ok Alx. Dungeon & Dragon character(s)? Niiiceee! Love to see that too.