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Hello my beautiful people and happy new year!
This is our first weekly update of 2023.

This has been a rough year for me. The (almost) year long writer block was both unexpected and distressing. I honestly doubted that it would ever end. But it finally did, thank god... and with it, also lifted from my shoulder, a depression that I didn't know I was under and only realized existed once it was gone.

Not everything is perfect (I'm still dangerously overweight, and my back still can't support me. I'm hoping for things to get better this year on that front) but overall, things are getting better and I smile a lot more these days. It's up to me to make 2023 as good as possible.

How does it start?

I am behind on my schedule on Tracy's book. I finally managed to complete the layout last night around 2 am. It took a hell of a lot more time than I was expecting. The reason is simple: I absolutely need to work with visual references. I can do without it, but the result is never as good. And this book had a group of live action characters to references, and a lot of poses that don't really have good references on the web (I know right??? You'd think that every sex poses has been done by now.), and I had to frankenstein most of it together. Meaning I had to know beforehand what I wanted to draw, finds pictures for every character's position of similar angles or body parts to replace and add on for correct interactions. Cut and paste everything. And only than putting it on the page to see how it would fit and how to frame it.

But doing all that work upfront will make the rest so much faster. There's no way for me to respect my personal deadline of January 6th at this point. But I should be able to deliver on the beginning of next week. And finally being able to work on the first pinup of 2023. Crossing fingers.

I'll start working on page 5 as soon as I'm done with this post. And later tonight I'll be cleaning out the member folders, archiving 2022 and all that. So I have a pretty full day ahead of me.

I'll see you guys soon!



Happy New Year!

Sven M.

Happy new year.


Will there be a place we can view the archives for 2022 when you're done with it?