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How are you doing my beautiful people?

I don't know about you guys, but my family is a lot. 

I LOVE them... But the neverending drama always takes a lot out of me everytime I see them. Especially on christmas, with two gatherings back to back... I'm beaten. So yesterday, I took the day off just to recharge a bit.

That said, I had fun and am grateful to have been able to be with them, on Christmas after two years of last minutes cancellation.


The plan is to work on the layout for Tracy's pages. Same for tomorrow. I want to layout all the remaining pages upfront so I can concentrate on drawing later. My wish is to have completed this issue for january 6th.

Thusrday and Friday will be invested in one last picture for 2022. I know I've been saying that every week for a month :P what can I say. I have the urge to constantly feed you guys. You are the ones making... everything happening for me, and I'll be forever grateful.

See you guys soon!
And a happy end of the year.


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