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Oh shit! I Almost forgot. lol 

How are you doing my beautiful people?

I'm all right. Been hard at work on Tracy's new comic. I finally got the final script last week. I drew the first 2 pages while waiting for the rest. And am now about to embark on laying out of the remaining eight pages. I'm pretty happy with the book so far. Although I am considering redrawing the cover... don't tell her that just yet :P it's fine, but there's something I can't pinpoint that is bugging me. I tried to just let it go, but my mind constantly come back to it. I just hope she hasn't sent it to her colorist yet. I'll write to her once I'm done with this post.

Anyway... This week.

I'll be on that all week. I need to draw at least 2 pages this week, I would aim for 3, but laying out pages always take at least a full day (and a lot of my creatives juices) and Christmas is in the way.

I would usually take a full two weeks off for the holidays but it's not possible. I still aim to clear everything for February when I hope to start on the next Rey vs Ahsoka chapter. So I'm a bit too swamped to leave for two weeks just now. Maybe in February before starting on this 6th issue.

I'll still try to cram in one last pic for you guys before closing 2022

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!



I like your responsible approach to work) This is definitely a good personality trait. I'm glad that despite the onset of the holidays, you are still immersed in work! However, relax a little and celebrate these holidays with your loved ones in a fun way!


Good job