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How are you doing my beautiful people?
Yes, I'm a day early... My plans for today got cancelled and I'm bored :P

Apparently, I pissed off someone. I don't know who exactly, although I am pretty sure I know how. Over the last 3 years, I drew a few things mocking a particular group of people here in Quebec. Nothing too hurtful (except one, but that one fully deserved it) and rather cutes if I am honest here. The kind of thing I drew about my friends that usually ask for more. But those people HATE being mocked (which makes it so much more pleasant to do) and take themselves very seriously. Until now only a few select people knew I was the authors.

But I stupidly outed myself and the next day, my name was added to two scam chain letters. For the last two days, I've been flooded with emails of people begging other people to stop sending them emails and sending more emails doing so. Sprinkled in there are a few trolls that, once in a while, throw in a few funny lines, or change the name of the conversation to be sure that my filters can't get rid of it.

I was hoping it would calm down after a day or so... but I'm starting to see that it probably won't, and that I might have to get rid of a email I've been using for more than 25 years.

As a form of revenge for a few drawings, I'd say it's pretty clever: not too damaging, but annoying as fuck!

Bravo sir/mam!

So, don't be too angry at me if I missed your email lately. I had a lot to comb though. Please don't hesitate to contact me again if I didn't answer. I make a point to answer every one.

This Week.

We've reached a point where I don't have the next page laid out in advance. So my first priority will be to layout the rest of this issue. I have an idea for a classic cover that will work great with it. Thank you guys so much for the title suggestions BTW, they are great! I know some people would have prefer that I continued with Rey's storyline (I've seen some comments on other sites) and we will. But I needed to add some variations and bring in other characters in. Both for the story as for my own sanity.

Most reactions are pretty positive, tho.

Don't hesitate to comment. Paying the rent is useful but interacting with you is what keeps me going.

See you guys soon!

EDIT: Apparently, there are rules you can write that get rid of scam list
All I had to do was write one that use one of the original email address as a flag to delete the whole chain.

Why don't the "add to spam" filter works like that to begin with?




I agree, spam emails is a fun revenge LOL