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How are you doing my beautiful people?

Not to tut my own horn, but I'm pretty happy with last week's production.

I liked the TNG piece quite a bit, and I'm still giddy about how good the Stargirl picture turned out.


And I have a script!!!

Getting back to short scenes finally did the trick. It's a silly story about characters we never used before since I wanted to make the point that those shorts would not only be used to advance the main plot, but to also explore the larger SW universe, both in space and time. 



... Will be all about that. At the moment, the script is 8 pages long (which is already longer than what I was aiming with my short stories ). I've already researched and laid out half of them. I am aiming for two pages a week and hopefully has it completed before December where I have a new collaboration with Tracy Scops planed.

I have a lot on my plate until Christmas.

See you guys soon!



I cant wait to see where this goes

Reybacca (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 04:39:03 Explore the larger SW universe, both in space and time, heck yeah!!! More Rey & Chewbacca & plenty of more to see beyond the SW universe, i cant wait Alx!
2022-10-11 21:42:11 Explore the larger SW universe, both in space and time, heck yeah!!! More Rey & Chewbacca & plenty of more to see beyond the SW universe, i cant wait Alx!

Explore the larger SW universe, both in space and time, heck yeah!!! More Rey & Chewbacca & plenty of more to see beyond the SW universe, i cant wait Alx!


<p style="color: #008600;">A script! It's awesome! 2 pages a week is basically a good pace, ok well, good luck with that.</p>