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I did not forget you :P

My life is weird. I don’t have a schedule; I sleep when I’m tired and wake up when I’m rested. So the average day for me is around 26h. Because of it, about once a month I have to do what I call a 24h switch and skip a day on the calendar. This week, this happened to be on Monday.

It’s election night here in Quebec. I LOVE election nights!

I can’t say my clan won, but we had not a chance in the world. Still, they did an amassing job. And really, I only wanted to see two things: Our leader to win his seat ( and not lose too many seats for the other candidates ) and for Eric Duhaime ( leader of the right-wing-libertarian-conspiracy-theorist-party of Quebec) to lose on every seat. Which he did… gloriously.

This end the only political posting you’ll see on my page for the next 4 years or so.

This week:

Only one commission remains on the list.

I’d like not to take more for the moment, but the inflation is still kicking me in the balls so we’ll see how the month goes on that front.

I still want to sit-down to write the Star Wars comic. I have, what I would call, sparks of ideas regularly hitting me. But still nothing concrete.

I remembered that the plan at first was NOT to go with a full book yet but short stories, and it’s hitting me as the best option at the moment. Taking the time to tell little adventures with this status quo and maybe bringing in other characters instead of rushing through the rescue. And maybe collecting them in what would be the SW V book once we have enough. What do you guys think?

Any suggestions on that part?

But first, a new pinup is coming.
See you guys soon!



I find the short stories idea great, there are teasers in the previous volumes (the Leia-Chewie reunion for example) that can be explored.


I once spent a 6-week vacation working out that the ideal day-length would be 31 hours. 20 hours of computer time, 10 hours of sleep and an hour to shower and eat. Of course, this was 30 years ago...


I think also exploring pregnant rey and ashoka could be fun, seeing how far ashoka can get rey to debase herself


Short stories sounds good, Could introduce side stories with Doctor Aphra and Black Krrsantan too?


Hey! I hope you don't get too tired at work! Take small breaks and don't overwork yourself! The book idea is great.


Yes, inflation greatly affects our lives, I would like to believe that everything will soon get better in this regard...


Maybe as a framing device for a bunch of short stories Rey is captive at the end of the last comic so maybe Ahsoka makes her relive or live a bunch of different stories.

Conscious Gentile

I need more Rey/ Chewie art!! Seems like years since last one


It also would be hot if Ashoka made Rey get a tattoo that labeled her as a wookie slut/slave