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How are you doing my beautiful people?
I had an... interesting weekend.

1- I went and visit an old friend out of town. I was supposed to do this within my vacations but scheduling issues made it that it had to wait for the next weekend. It's my oldest friend even though we don't see each other a lot anymore. Something happened, that put a rift between us and while we've been melding things between us, I still have a bit of a process before things get back to what it was before ( if ever ). But we had a great time, even though I didn't sleep for almost 48h ( insomnia ) and wasn't my most alert self all weekend.

2- During this weekend, a transwoman I know told me that I was the more feminine man she knew. LOL I'm not sure about that one. I am definitely a feminist and on the "in touch with his emotions" side of things. But I never though as myself as feminine. It made me laugh.

3- I found out that, apparently, I am autistic. For fun, I took the Aspie Quiz and the CAT-Q and scored rather high on both count. I can't say I'm surprised :p and it is interesting to read about. I'm figuring stuff out about my quirks. It probably won't change anything but it might also help me explains things about myself.

I'm not unhappy about that.

This week:

I got approval for the latest commission and will be starting the rendering as soon as I'm done with this update. I'm also thinking about a pinup about Madisynn "Two Ns. One Y, but it's not where you thiiink!". She made me laugh quite a bit ^^

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!



<p style="color: #008600;">Autistic? Weird and quite interesting, maybe I'll somehow get to this test and test myself as well</p>


Well, don't worry, friends often drift apart over the course of their lives, and that's okay. I hope you understand each other in your relationship.


<p style="color: #008600;">Aspie: 93 from 200 Neurotypical: 155 from 200. Well, I seem to be quite neurotypical.</p>