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For as long as I can remember, when playing videogames, I mostly use two names Alex Ryder, or Harley Masters ( and sometime Alex Masters and Harley Ryder ) depending if I'm playing a male or female character. So when learned that there was a series of young adult books called Alex Ryder, I got curious. I never had the occasion to read the books, but I rented the movie when it came out.

BIG MISTAKE! I was clearly too old to enjoying as intended at the time, and not old enough to be able to put myself back in a childish mood. I hated it and never went back to the franchise.

Until last weekend, when I decided to check out the series. It's not the best thing out there, but it's an enjoyable little young adult action series. I had fun.

And since I'm a sucker for woman in suits, Mrs Jones totally did it for me, and I had to give it a go while waiting for the approval of the latest sketch.

Hope you guys dig it!




The background was suppose to be three photos of the show, but it didn't work... I tried a few filters to no avail. So I ended up tracing them really quickly.


There's a show? Anyway, yeah the movie sucked. I read some of the books as a kid. Remember liking them. Don't remember any plot points tho. I remember some titles. That you made up the name Alex Rider for yourself, never having heard about the books etc is wild, lol.


I think I started with Alex Masters, than Harley Ryder ( get it ), than I mixed and matched.


Beautiful work! Im digging it!

Didi Solomon

Lovely. (But missing from the current folder.)