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Hello my beautiful people.
How are you doing?

I'm pretty happy with myself this week.

First, personally, I up my "getting back in shape" program a notch. It would probably be laughable for most of you, but when you have chronic back pain like I have been having for the last (almost 5 years by now), going from 2 min walk to 6min and than to 10 min walks feels like a hell on an achievement. I kindda over did it on the first day, but pull back a little and it's starting to feel like a regular thing ^^

Also, last Friday, out of the blue, I FINALLY got some news about the operation that should help me loose weight ( and hopefully help with my back pain ). I missed the call, of course, but I'll try to contact them tomorrow morning.

And finally, I'm both proud of the quality and happy with the quantity of last week's production. With one being a collab whit the lovely NakedSunFlower, it only left one for commissioned pieces, but that isn't too much of an issue. The Sunflower piece has always been on the list, even if I wasn't paid for it. So, two done, and 8 to go.

The only thing that is a bit of a bummer is that my vacations have been pushed back to September. As you guys know, I share a car with my mother ( it's her's, I should technically pay half of the different fixes and permits, but I know she doesn't contact me for everything :P ) and she and her boyfriend have decided to go on another road trip just when I was planing my own. So I'll have to wait after their return.

It's ok, it's part of our deal and I had nothing fixed yet. But we need to fix those communication issues. Getting access to the car has been increasingly difficult ever since we got out of the covid restrictions and she has finally been able to enjoy her retirement :P


I'll try to clear the commission list and draw as much as possible.

I still plan to use my vacation to sitdown and try to figure out the SW script and close this particular storyline.

That's it for now.
I'll see you guys soon!


Mark B

If you have back problems, I can recommend getting a Spinal Back Rack. I bought one for my girlfriend a few years ago, after 25 years of back pain following an injury and many failed treatments. She still says it's the best present ever and she's gone from being near crippled to almost completely cured (she just uses it for maintenance now when needed). It's been life changing. https://www.spinalbackrack.com/ Not cheap, but does actually work so money well spent.