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Here's something most of you probably never heard about. "La Merveilleuse Odyssée d'Olivier Rameau et de Colombe Tiredaile" is an absolutely whimsical comic series from Belgium. Written by Greg and illustrated by Dany ( Two absolute legends in European comics), I remember discovering it late in my young adult life and absolutely loving it, despite it being mostly for kids. It is brilliant.

I don't think it ever got translated, so I won't push you guys to read it, but you should DEFINITELY check out the art of Dany, especially his watercolors painting about Colombe, he made some incredibly sexy illustrations of her.

Since the series is from the 60/70's, I tried to gave it an retro, overexposed look.
Hope you guys dig it!

Ps: How do you like the more cartooninsh look?

I learn to draw by imitation french cartoonists like Uderzo, Dany and Janry. I've only wen't for a more american comic look once I started drawing NSFW stuff. It's nice to get back to it once in a while. I should do it more often.




I would be interested to see this style with something American to see how it translates. Maybe try it with Tinkerbelle or another character similar to that.


Love it when you draw from Franco-Belgian comics. You've really nailed the art. Ever considered drawing Natacha or Rubine?


Edit: Oups! I answered in French :P I never read either of them. I never liked the art of Walthery... not sure why Edit 2: After refreshing myself on Google... He's decent, but I don't like how he draws woman's faces.