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Hello my beautiful people.

So... last week was a bit of a dud, hey?

Monday was very busy, lots of emails to answer to and constantly updating the Commission list. Not a lot of time to draw but I did manage to sketch the Bad Girls Commission. This one took longer than I ever expected, but it turned out great, so it was worth it.

The booster shot I got on Wednesday though, kicked my ass. NONE of the previous doses hit me like that. This one stopped me cold. I only managed to finish the bad girls thanks to seriously large doses of coffee and Advil. And after that, I decided to take it slow for a few days.

I went back to work briefly Saturday to put a sketch together and did the same yesterday.

I said it before and I said it again, Commissions are a waiting game. That is why I try to always have two of these in the work at the same time, so I can waste as little time as possible. But neither answer to their latest sketch yet, so... I guess, I'll be working on something of my own in the main time.

See you guys soon!



Third shot was the worst for me too. Glad you have turned the corner. Plus that Bad Girls was amazing!


This was my forth shot. (2nd booster) The third one made me really sleepy and the arm was hurting bit but that was it. This time I got the whole shebang, including diarrhea and at some point, my sinus swell so much I couldn't breath with my nose... not fun :P


Commissions are a waiting game, but you still managed to finish the bad girls and I congratulate you on this