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I haven't played Cyberpunk 2077.I didn't hear anything good. But I do love the hell out of the look and feel of it.

I wasn't sure how to frame that one, I usually prefer to frame a piece around and as close as possible to the characters. But at the same time, it felt like a shame to lose the car... so I drew the background way bigger necessary and made one of each :P

Hope you guys dig it!




I haven't played the game yet too, recently i read that it's playable and not so buggy... but i'll wait to see if those DLCs will be good or what... Still, gotta love the aestethic. Also, Judy and Panam are gorgeous haha


Brilliant work. I love the game myself - and love the ladies. So... yeah :-D


Cyberpunk is actually a really good game if you can ignore all the crybabies.


I played it through several times, heavily modded. It's quite playable. The story is rather linear and surprisingly predictable though, and after the first playthrough having to replay big chunks gets really obnoxious really fast. It's technically create-a-character, but you're forced into many situations where you have no options but to play the 'good persona' the writers had in mind. The only meaningful choice is whether you pick a dick, and thus which of the two girls you romance. (I doubt anyone's ever looked twice at River or Kerry. I only did them both for completion.) I personally also found the forced first-person view a bad mistake for a game built around creating a custom character with fancy clothes and stuff. You never see yourself. So what's the point of putting on a sweet jacket or nice boots. And the one thing you do see, your vehicles, you can't actually customize. *sighs* Mistakes and missed opportunities, the story of Cyberpunk 2077... With regards to the picture... Don't call the main character Valerie. It's just V. Panam is a lot chunkier than that, broad shouldered and muscled. She's a desert-dwelling greasy monkey who even if you romance her has no time or desire to fuck around. Judy is the complete opposite and a lot smaller, lighter and more slender than shown. Judy sits behind her computers all day jacking into VR porn. (Also, you'd never get Panam into that setting as she's seriously not-into-girls™... ;-)


Do always take the extra step of seeing Meredith on each playthrough though. She can strip-search me any day... That's what sex in cyberpunk should look like. And you get the best non-lethal weapon in the game. :-)


I LOVE CYBPERUNK genre! Love Cyberpunk 2077! Awesome game, loved the story, everything was great in Night City. I understand the whole bugs, glitch etc. But as long as you understand the concept, story & the game itself, you will understand everything Cyberpunk 2077 is. Love Cyberpunk ladies. Awesome work Alx! I am digging it very harder! Judy Alvarez, V & Panam Palmer!