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How are you doing my beautiful people?

First of; MJ, Thanks for the kind words in my PM box, I would have answered there but the system on Patreon is beyond broken and I get an error 404 . So here it is :P

Had a GREAT weekend my self. Had a hell of a good time with a few friends on Saturday. Two of our guys organized some sort of gala about the worst youtube clips surrounding the pandemic in a bar, here in Montreal. They sold out the place very quickly. We got drunk, laughed, sang and scream at the screen. Didn't have as much fun since my injurie almost five years ago (How times fly!).

Yesterday, I was quite out of it, slept a lot, but did manage to watch the end of Stranger Things (which I loved ) and Thor Love and Thunder ( which I liked, but didn't love as much as Ragnarock )

So I am now back to work, still humming the songs from Saturday's debaucheries and thinking about next weekend since we have had another thing planed for weeks. Let's hope it is half as fun as this was.

About the next few weeks.

For now I'm gonna do a few single pieces, and planning my summer vacation. I kinda sorta forgot about that, but also feel the need to take a brake. Right now I'm figuring out when I can have the car for two weeks and what to do with it ( I don't want to spend two weeks at home. Had that for 2 years, I want to see somethings or some peoples this time around). It should be around the end of July or beginning of august. That would be my preference, but we will see. I'm just giving you guys an early warning.

Meanwhile, as I said, I'm going to draw a few single pieces... but I'll also try to sit down and write the script for the new Star Wars book. 


Script use to come easy from me. They usually pop in my head almost fully formed. But ever since I changed direction with this storyline I've been on a dry run. So I'll try to brute-force my way into it. I haven't done that outside of writing short novels in high school so I'm not entirely sure of how this will go.

I'll also freely admit, I always felt like a bit of an imposter out there. I'm no writer, there are SO MANY better writer out there, some amongst you (looking at you Ferawyn ) and I feel that anything I write is a bit inadequate by comparison. But that is for me to figure out. Those are my issues. Still that's probably a good chunk of the why I haven't been able to write anything in months.

So fair warning. I might fail. But I owe it to myself and to you guys to at least put the effort into it.

Anyways.... weird update, I know. I don't plan those, I just go with the flow :P

See you guys soon!



Always happy to help.


Starting off with "I owe it to myself and you guys to write something" puts you under pressure from the get go, I really look forward to the next SW comic, but don't force it, let it come to you. Don't know how you usually write, but artists like you are usually visual rather than verbal people, perhaps draw a scene (or even picture it your head) and let a story grow from it by asking the "how did we get to this point and where do we go next" questions?


Well, I definitely like your plans for the script for the new Star Wars book. Go for it and good luck!


Still, it's great that you can hang out and relax so well with your friends, and the main thing is to have such cool friends, isn't it?)


Heya ^^ Would you like ideas for the script? Kind of like a brainstorming of a sort. Maybe something will inspire you ^^ PS: You got this ^^