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Hello everybody!

It was my birthday this weekend. I didn't do a big party or anything. Just a small supper with my family. The cheese fondue was horrible ( I don't know what happened, we fucked it up somehow ) but that was nice.

Tonight, I'm supposed to go out with a friend but he chocked on me and now I'm wondering if I still go see the podcast/show we where going to alone or not.

Until than, I have a comic to draw.

I won't promise you guys a pinup this week, but I'll try. When I said I'd so it in December, I kindda forgot that for work purposes, December ends on the 23rd. So I have less than 3 weeks to complete it. Still, all the preparation is done so, I should be alright.

It's gonna me a packed 3 weeks
See you around!


Long Beetle

Belated birthday


Bon anniversaire! Desole pour la fondue, c'est une tragedie D=


November and December are always over before you know it. Too much stuff getting crammed in before the end of the year. Happy Birthday! I would suggest going anyway, and having a few relaxing hours away from the computer.


Comment tu rate une fondue au fromage??!??! j'ai toujours pas compris. la bierre et le fromage ne se sont pas mélangés. Et on s'est retrouvé avec un marécage trop poivré :P


j'ai fait pire.. Ma mere m'avait filer son vieil appareil a fondue, pas regarder la notice, fait une fondue avec amis.. ca passe moyen, le fond est tout crame.. pq? C'etait un appareil a fondue.. BOurguignone, pour la viande et la friture.. bye bye appareil XD


Oh yeah, really, what could have gone wrong with the cheese fondue? I love it and it seems to me this recipe is absolutely simple and easy to prepare)


Bon anniversaire


Happy birthday Alx! <3 Have fun & stay safe, sound & strong! Love you man!

Patrick Simpson

Happy Birthday :) I hope you have a great one :)