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Hello beautiful people!
How's your weekend going?

Mine is about to end. It was a bit of a slow one, but relaxing none the less.

As you guys know, they are redoing my bathroom at the moment. Every day the team show up at 9 am and work until around 6. They are doing an amazing job, let me tell you. I'm not very good at that kind of work, but my dad was. So, while I might not be able to do it, I know good handywork when I see it and these two guys are impressive.

Also, no mold or anything, so I didn't have to evacuate. It's a bit noisy but nothing a good pair or earphone can't handle... no really, the only thing that I have been missing all week is a good shower. Hopefully, I'll be able to get one soon.

The hardest part is to live on somebody else's schedule. I haven't had to do that in YEARS and because of that, I've been a bit short on sleep, but it shouldn't be too long before things get back to normal. I think they are around 2/3rd done; Slightly behind schedule but nothing major and mostly due to the fact that some materials are a bit hard to find these days, so one of the guys is always driving from shop to shop to find missing pieces.

This week should be more of the same.

I already have an idea for the next pic and contacted one of my oldest supporter to get his suggestions for a second pic. I'll try to do that once in a while from now on. It won't be something regular. It's not a contest. There are no prices here and no way to "participate." This is just me trying to give back to you guys the best way I know how.

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!


Supreme Overlord Llama

Nice. Sounds like things are going pretty smoothly. That's great :D

Reybacca (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 04:42:00 Swweeeet! :D I cant wait! Stay safe, strong & sound Alx! <3
2021-10-04 04:35:49 Swweeeet! :D I cant wait! Stay safe, strong & sound Alx! <3

Swweeeet! :D I cant wait! Stay safe, strong & sound Alx! <3