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I FINALLY completed the line work for the “Girls of Sci-fi” pic. 33 beautiful women playing together. Took a bit more time than I was planning, but I’m really happy with the result, likeness and level of details. There’s one character in there I’m a little less happy with, and I’ll probably try and fix that before starting on the colors, but we’ll see. Classic Uhura has always been a difficult one for me to draw. Don’t ask why, I have no idea. I just never managed to do satisfying job on her.

Just like the “Where’s Waldo” pic, I doubled the resolution so I could achieve a satisfying level of details. But UNLIKE the “Where’s Waldo”, I don’t plan to reduce it back for the colors. Instead, I worked on small groups of characters ( 15 of it) that I’ll be able to color individually inside their own PSD file and I’ll just import the resulting PNG inside the final scene. I’ll probably tie everything together by adding some effects, but that should allow me to keep the higher resolution without killing my PC ^^

This will also allow me to feature the individual groping in singles pics so you guys won’t have to wait the whole process without any output from me. Since I already drew all of it, the coloring should be fast enough for me to give you more than a few pictures over the week. Not all grouping deserve or are meant to be seen as individual so you guys won’t get the whole 15 of it. I’d guess about 10 but really, this will all depend about how fast I can chunk them out.

Now, if you guys excuse me. I gotta spend the remaining of my weekend cleaning my apartments. The Landlord is coming next weekend to make me a brand new bathroom ( I’ll have to  wizz in a bucket for a few days :P ) and I want him to think that I’m taking good care of his infrastructure.

See you guys soon!




Way to represent Farscape!


Damnit! I forgot a finger on that hand. I'll fix that before the colors

Eric Braun

Juhl and Aura. Nice!