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How are you doing my beautiful people?

So, I was your week? Mine was a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions.

Very happy with re reception of the latest comic :D Took Friday off to do my taxes >:( Watched Steven Universe, which pretty much mean that I cried happy tears for about 4 days :P, which left me emotionally exhausted. And finally, I learned this morning that I will have to charges taxes from now on, and I have absolutely no idea how this will affect my income considering 99% of it come from Patreon. It’s not like I can charge 15% more to Patreon… I have thing to learn. That is all I’m saying, and the business part of my career is definitely not something I enjoy. But I’m not complaining. You guys are allowing me to do what I love for a living, and despite everything, I am grateful to do it.

Which bring us to… What else is coming?

Tracy Scops
Yes, we are working on a new book. I love doing those. Tracy and Lety are good writers, and I know that if I have the note, they will be opened to suggestions. The script isn’t ready just yet, but after stringing them along for months, I can’t ask more of them. Still it should be ready for next weekend.

The other great thing is, of course, a new comic for you guys. And since I don’t have to color it, it usually takes me 2-3 week to draw and is fully completed way faster than my own production. Meanwhile, we’ll have…

The Commissions
I still have 3 commissions on the list and will need to clear this as fast as possible. I’m sorry it took so long; I didn’t imagine it would when I opened shop 6 month ago... Sorry, I am terrible at management.

Random Pinups
Between Steve Universe and Invincible, there are a few subjects I’d like to visits ^^

The future
Not exactly sure what the future will bring. As I said before I’m trying not to think on the next book before I get a little down time for myself… But I’d be lying if I said I never think about it. It’s pretty much always in the background of my head.

I have an original super heroes universe that I’m playing around with. Something along the lines of Invincible and The Boys, but made for us.

Of course I’m also thinking of the followup for the Star Wars book ( I might abandoned the Wookie Sex title to be able to expend the possibilities)

For both of these concepts, at the moment, I’m thinking smaller stories, 4 or 5 pages longs. Random scene exploring the universes and the situations and sees where theses story brings us. And when I have enough of these, collect them together as the “next” book untill I feel the characters are ready for the next big chapter.

Anyway… that is my line of though at the moment, but you guys know me, I can change my mind any moments :P and I have a few things to do first.

As for NOW.
I have a home to clean…They are finally easing up on the restrictions and I want to be able to let people in without being ashamed of the pile of dishes on the counter P and then I’ll probably draw something for you guys.

See you guys soon!



You changed the early pages of the Volume 4 to put the scars on both Rey and Rose. Considering which option won the poll last time, will there be the same thing for the volume 2?


I am not going back to Issue 2, that ship has sailed 2 years ago.


Waoh, I didn't know it was that old lmfao


actually,... I think it's 3 years old by now. It came out in 2018 But I promice to be more diligent in the future


I can't wait to see your Invincible images, Deborah Grayson is so hot, a real MILF.