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Just completed the line work of page 16
I still have a few hours scheduled, so... perhaps a release tomorrow??

As for the commission I was suppose to work on, I got an offer last Tuesday that I coudn't refused. I had to work long days but managed to do my part of a 5 minuteish animated clip in two days. I can't wait to see the final result. It is part of the not so secret project I was talking about a few weeks ago: Basically, it's a web-serie of really short clips making fun of really stupid (as well as usually racist and bigoted) people from my neck of the wood, so I won't be posting it here. But now you know why the schedule changed... again

See you guys soon!



marc ou olivier

Jedi fight in approach !! <3


A lovely buffet is what i want to see for Chewie, all together. <3