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Hey guys, REALLY quick update, because my head is killing me.

So yeah, bed sick today. Sore throat and migraines. I’m drinking a lot of water and try to sleep it off.

Tomorrow, I’m supposed to run some errands for both my taxes and my dad's. As well as keeping a valid driving licence despite my diabetes ( I had to have an eye exam last week, it’s clean. Now, I just to give them the report and making official that I can still drive safely). But if the sore throat continues, I guess I’ll have to get tested instead.

All this to say that life is getting in the way.

I’m almost done with the first commission ( can’t post it on Patreon, sorry ), and should be back on the comic Wednesday.

See you guys soon!



Take care!


Feel better chief!


All the shit going on and you think you’ll be back to work on Wednesday? Dude, should I be impressed or worried?


I feel guilty as hell every time I can't work... and since I get sick very easily ( my immune system is a whipm ) this happens way to often for my own liking


You've been working hard through repeated BS hitting your life. Take care of yourself and we hope to hear good news from ya.

Reybacca (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 03:44:39 You take some rest Alx, take all the time you need, no rush at all. Stay safe & sound man. <3
2021-03-23 23:47:50 You take some rest Alx, take all the time you need, no rush at all. Stay safe & sound man. <3

You take some rest Alx, take all the time you need, no rush at all. Stay safe & sound man. <3


Take care🤓