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How are you doing beautiful people?

The shits just keep on coming, but I am still standing and smiling. Nothing too major for me, I think I already told you everything so I’ll just skip that part this time around :P

I joined the Satanic Temple last week XD
I did that mostly to spite some infuriating fundamentalist here in Quebec that link everything to Satan. While I’m an agnostic / atheist, I decided to REALLY give them something freak about on our next interaction. But I had to explain this to my religious mother… I still have no idea what she thinks about it.

So this week:

Don’t worry I don’t plan on joining the devotees of Krishna. I’ll be working on the comic and aim to release page 11 and 12

Cross your fingers.
See you guys soon!



I can understand spite, but don't stay there please. Anyway, keep up the good artwork and I hope you'll hear some good news soon.

William Briscoe

Look at it this way, at least the "Satanist" throw some of the wildest parties that would rival some of the most hedonistic scenes you ever drew. And joining in, IS inspirational to your erotic art.... all together a win win win, until Mom finds out😏. Shhhhhhh🤫 I promise, I won't tell. Just remember in this era of COVID 19. It's truly "orgy" at your own risk


You hang in there Alx


The Church of Satan? Aren't they the philosophical group that emulates being the adversary (which what Satan means) and going against oppressive religious traditions?


it's called "The Satanic Temple", and yes this is exactly what it is... But I doubt very much that this distinction will be understood by people I talked to; Who are seeing the signs of Satans and the Illumitaty on Oreo Cookies There's a great documentary about the Satanic Temple I saw years ago called "Hail Satan?"


stay strong my dude, we support what ever choices you make

Conscious Gentile

It is amusing how Christian beliefs are mocked, yet devil worship is freely endorsed.


Now you can listen to Ghost ironcially.

Moopy (edited)

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2022-12-31 03:44:45 What parents thought D&D would get us: Satan What D&D actually got us: math, critical thinking, inter personal skills, story telling, and improvisation.
2021-03-02 02:15:08 What parents thought D&D would get us: Satan What D&D actually got us: math, critical thinking, inter personal skills, story telling, and improvisation.

What parents thought D&D would get us: Satan What D&D actually got us: math, critical thinking, inter personal skills, story telling, and improvisation.

alxr34 (edited)

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2022-12-31 03:44:45 The first time I talked to my mom about D&D, she freaked. I was 18. At 16 when I told her I never kissed a girl, she though that meant I was gay At 8, when I told her I went in an arcade and played video game, she told me that If I wanted drugs, I should ask her instead of buying shit from a pusher. She's great. I love her. But she can be a bit overdramatic :P
2021-03-02 02:58:55 The first time I talked to my mom about D&D, she freaked. I was 18. At 16 when I told her I never kissed a girl, she though that meant I was gay At 8, when I told her I went in an arcade and played video game, she told me that If I wanted drugs, I should ask her instead of buying shit from a pusher. She's great. I love her. But she can be a bit overdramatic :P

The first time I talked to my mom about D&D, she freaked. I was 18. At 16 when I told her I never kissed a girl, she though that meant I was gay At 8, when I told her I went in an arcade and played video game, she told me that If I wanted drugs, I should ask her instead of buying shit from a pusher. She's great. I love her. But she can be a bit overdramatic :P


I had to remember there’s a difference between Anton Lavey’s Satanic Church and the Satanic Temple. I skimmed Lavey’s book once after being accused of Satanism by some old lady. Figured I should at least know what I was being accused of. Not my cup of tea, as it turns out; bit too selfish, that philosophy. I’m reading more Buddhism now, but your Temple is all right.


lol and I'll freely admit, I had totally forgot about that one. I never got intrigued by that one... but I remember sing that face before