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Hey guys!
How are you doing?

I’m doing ok.
I know, I know; I’m late on my weekly update, but I wasn’t feeling good yesterday and I didn’t want to write another downer update.

As for today, since I woke up a 4 am and felt I had the energy to work, I didn’t want to waste it figuring of what to say and simply started working on new pics for you. I just completed the line work on the background and will start working on the characters after dinner.

I’m not going to plan a schedule this week… let’s just see how things will go for me. I wouldn’t call this a burn out per say, but it is something along those lines. I need to take things slow for a little while and recharge.

Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words of support. I help more than you think.
See you guys soon!




I will have to see about transliterating those hieroglyphs. My easter egg sense is tingling or in this case... I think I recognize a more or less traditional Egyptian cartouche at the base of the chair. ( or is that a throne?)