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I’ve been, forgetful lately.
So of course, I forgot the weekly update yesterday.

How are you doing, beautiful peoples?

Everything’s good. Just feeling the need for a vacation. Yeah right… After all these small breaks I took since the death of my father, you’d think I wouldn’t need one this winter. But I swear to you guys, I’m going to need that holyday break this year. Other than that, everything is fine. Been drinking a lot of water :P and I am 4 season into Archer… I’ll need to slow down on that front since last night I was starting to be distracted while watching, and I missed a few jokes. But damn, that show is just everything I like: nice art, sexy ladies, action and raunchy humor. I just wished the animation was just a little bit more fluid, but even that… with these limitations, sometime I am amazed how good it is.

So… that’s it for my personal life: I’ve been watching TV :P

Also. Last week I kindda said I would be aiming for 2 pages… When I wrote that down, I forgot 1 tiny bitsy detail: it was my birthday this week! So I gave myself Friday off as a birthday gift. I would have preferred a PS5… but I can’t find any :P

THIS week

I’ll stop telling you that I’m aiming for 2 pages, since, I keep failing on that front and it’s not good for my ego. So I’ll keep working on the comic as much as I can and release at least 1 page as usual. I also wish to add as many pinups as possible for “Under the Mistletoes” I got 3 pinups ready, I want 5, and if I can have a few more for the week after, it’s ok for me. I want to give you guys 1 gift a day for as long as possible. The first few are pretty soft, but I’m introducing more and more sexy bits, as any good office party should. I’m sure you’ll love it.

That’s it.
I’ll see you guys soon!

Ps: I’ve been working none stop lately, but I still have nothing to illustrate this post without spoiling the hell out my gifts for you. So… it’s only text again today. But I need to find a solution for this.


Reybacca (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 13:56:14 I cant wait Alx! <3
2020-12-09 07:50:37 I cant wait Alx! <3

I cant wait Alx! <3

Sukcab Leahcim

I am fine with text only, but since you asked for suggestions 😁 You could free flow draw. Draw whatever comes to your mind for a set time. Like 30 mins. Add that to post. It will be simple and spoiler free. It will add variety and maybe slow down any burn out for you.