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Sorry guys, I’m not done with page 05
In fact, I’m not even done with the linework. It’s coming along nicely, I’ve just been lacking of motivation today :/

I’ll try make up some of the time over the weekend




Did you see the Mando episode?


Niiiiceee! <3 I can't wait


saw it last night. Easily one of the best episodes. Plus, Rosario Dawson was always in my cheat list, she took 1rst place last night. My only disapointment is that they went back on the smaller horns compared to the ones in Rebels, and I fing those horns so freaking sexy for some reason.

Supreme Overlord Llama

I do like the longer horns as well and people were already asking about his. The main reason was for stunts and movement, so there was a reasoning behind it :)