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So… my dad died. 

Sorry to start with such a downer but that was my week for you. He died peacefully in an artificial sleep induce by an amazing medical team that did everything they could to make his last days as comfortable as possible. I will be forever grateful for their work. I will miss him, but I am not sad at the moment. Mostly I am relieved that his suffering is finally over. I do not doubt that sadness will come in its time,  I am ready to feel his lost, and I know that I will get through it.

Thank you guys so much for your continual supports and kind words during this whole year. You guys made it so much easier for me.

What’s coming?

I had already started to re-paint another older pic; so, first, I want to finish it, because I see a lot of potential in this one.

After that, I HOPE to get back to the Star Wars book as soon as possible, but you guys can understand that I am not entirely sure of how I will deal with my emotions in the next few days. So if I feel strong enough, I’ll work on it, if not, I’ll continue to revisit old pics for a week or so.

I hope you guys are all down with that.
See you guys soon!




Sven M.

Sorry for your loss, Alx. My Condolences.

Patrick Simpson

So sorry to hear of your loss Alx. Wishes go to you and your family.