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I’ll be honest with you guys…
I have no idea what day it is anymore.

I went to bed at 8:30 this morning and woke up at 5pm, I tried to get back on a day shift this weekend, and ended up just fucking everything up even more. I use to be able to just spend 36ish hours up and simply realign my schedule that way… but I got old I guess . Ho well, I’m on the night shift now :P

The good news is: that’s about all the drama I had this week.
My dad got back in the hospital last Sunday. He is still over there, but is getting better. The working theory is that he had a bad reaction to the immunotherapy treatment they used to try to control his tumor growth. Which isn’t good news… but it is now under control.

This week:

Ok, here’s the plan for this week: Since the Avatar Comic is a short one ( 4 pages ) I’m thinking, I might be able to complete it this week. That is my hope anyway. Right now I’m considering doing all the line work upfront, which could accelerate things a little, instead of my usual 1 page at a time, but that would mean coloring 3 pages in a row in the end, and that is the boring part for me :P and I’m not sure I want that lol
We’ll see how things go.

See you guys soon!




Father better: good! Avatar comic only 4 pages: "Sad beeps". Petition: avatar comic sequel pls ty


So glad your dad's doing better. Take care !