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I’ve put myself in a pretty vulnerable spot this morning, addressing an issue that could have gone in dark places if only one of you guys was an asshole about it… but no, you guys had a great constructive exchange of point of views instead. I’m not sure I could have had such a great reaction from my own family. Thank you all for being decent human beings.

On that subject: Turns out the original comment that triggered all this was meant as a joke and I swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker. So … yeah… sorry about the drama :P 

See you guys soon!



Just because the cause of the effect was not real, does not mean your response or feelings on the matter are any less important, nor does it diminish the effect. Be proud of yourself for your actions for what you believe to be right. But please check for trolls in future you plum.


I will admit, we are the best ;-P