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 Hey, guys, how are you doing?

I am naturally some sort of hermit. So social distancing wasn’t too hard for me... at first. But I am so tired of being alone right now, you guys have no idea. I can’t wait to see a few friends. We are finally starting to ease up on physical restriction around here. But I’ll wait at least another week since my next-door neighbor has THE virus and I want to be sure I won’t be spreading it.

Still no sign of it for me. Although my throat is abit soar this morning. So no reason to panic, but I am surprised how much stress I seem to feel regarding it. Every night I stay awake for hours analyzing my breathing and pains trying not to jump to conclusions. And it is starting to take a tool on me. I am SO freaking tired!!! I was planning to take a week or two off somewhere around mid-June or the start of July as my summer vacation… but I admit it is starting to look pretty good right about now. :P

We’ll see how the week goes. If insomnia can ease off a bit, things should go easier. I have melatonin at home but when I use it, I'm a a long time having trouble getting to sleep without it afterward. But in this case, I think it would be beneficial... I'll take one tonight.

That is it for the updates right now. As I said last week, I don’t want to make predictions at the moment. I’m just too uncertain about my capacities to fully deliver. But I think I’ll be working on a pin up or two. I need a break from X-Men :P

See you guys soon!

Ps : Last week’s livestream was kind of a fail, but at least this pic came out of it. That’s the widescreen version I use as my wallpaper. But you can see the full version here. 




Take a break, we can wait on the xmen. And dont worry about COVID. If you get mild symptoms like the majority of people no big deal. Most people will be fine and as long as everybody stays the course the hospitals will have space to take care of you. Things are getting better in most of the world.


Also maybe a Brooklyn Nine Nine pin up :) cause that would be amazing!