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Well, I tried…

But I didn’t manage to complete a 2nd page before the end of the week. This comic is pretty busy. The plan was to center on Jean and Emma, but it looks from the sketches that I’ll have a lot more of the other characters in it than I was envisioning. I even made some last minutes changes on that page yesterday and ended up adding even more characters :P

But things are going great, I think I’m doing some of my best work ever ( I know I say that all the time), just completed the linework and will start the colors later tonight. But I don’t see myself posting it before next Monday at the minimum.

Hope you guys dig it!




Fuck, I’ll second that. You’re doing some of your best work ever.


I love that the comics have canonically confirmed that Jean, Logan, and Scott are in a throuple.


This looks amazing!


Yes! Can't wait to see the rest. <3


Bishop, Pyro and Kate about to have a threesome?


Not related to the X-Men comic, I played again both beast vs bitch games, did you ever thought to make a comic about those games?


no... I do have a Gargoyles storyline in mind, but it has nothing to do with my BVB games and since it's a never ending script, I would have to cut it in small part and find a way to make them all stand alone


This comic needs Storm bent over something