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Hello my beautiful people.
Another holly day, but I think I'll be working today.

So... my schedule got out of whack in the last few weeks. Which became an issue since I started sleeping till late afternoon. Before my surgery, I would have been ok with it, but, this time around, my neighbors keeps waking my up, which affected my productivity. Also, after MONTHS keeping to a regular schedule, getting back in a random cycle didn't sit well with me.

Turns out, I kinda like being social.

So I decided to do something about it over the weekend. I didn't sleep at all on Thursday to Friday, hoping to than having a long night to hopefully waking up on Saturday morning. It didn't go as planned. My body didn't exactly followed my head here. I only managed to sleep a little 4 hours that night.

That said, I have been waking up right after midnight for two days now, so, things are moving along in the right direction. I doubt I'll be able to go out dancing tomorrow because of it, but I think I can work with that and just push things further until I'm back at waking up around 9-10 am where I plan t plant my flag, sort of speak.

Didn't watch a lot of "Dr Who" this week. I'm starting to feel the need for a change. I had downloaded "Red Dead Redemption II" earlier and was I was planning to wait for my vacation, but I just couldn't resist starting playing. It's a slow burn, but it's a great game. I'm spending a lot of time just doing the hunting challenges.

No joke, I've been thinking of trying out a hunting simulator for a long time now. Somehow, "Horizon", "Sniper Elite 5", and now this one makes me think that I might enjoy those quite a bit. If RDRII isn't long enough to fill up my vacations, I might actually buy one.

This week

I'll be starting the work on page 20 in a moment. Only 3 pages remaining, I can FINALLY see the end of this one!

I'll see you soon!



This is not my thing, and I haven't played it, but 'theHunter: Call of the Wild' has excellent reviews, consistently high player counts, and is 85% off right now on steam. Might be worth checking out.


marrant, moi aussi me suis completement decale ces jours ci