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How are you doing my beautiful people?

I'm doing great. Thanks for asking. And after the last month or so, this moment of peace is most welcome. Not everything is perfect of course. But I really don't feel like complaining today :P

I was quite please with last week's page, even if I don't understand why it took so long.

That said, and because of it, I decided to stop saying that I'll aim for two pages since I clearly can't manage to deliver more than one a week.

And that is the plan for this week. Looking at the lay out, there a bit of repetition going on here, so I'll rework this a little today before I start on the line work.

I also had to tie my hands in my back to stop me for working on the Lady Vastra piece last week. I would have been even more late on my delivery if I did.

I'd like to tell you more. But I have nothing.

Yesterday, I started season 13 of classic Who.... that's something :P

I ADORE Tom Baker... But I think I still prefer Jon Pertwee and I am quite surprised about it.

As for Sarah-Jane Smith... She's still the same. A lot more scared than she was during her first adventure. One wonders why she keeps getting in the Tardis if she has such a bad time. But last night I though she was pretty fun in "Planet of Evil".

That's it for now!
Gotta work now.



HAHAHAHA! I just learned that Sutekh is the bad guy of "Pyramid of Mars" which is the next classic Who story line on the list. I was wondering who that guy was. I was 2 or 3 days away for that reveal to be effective for me :P