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How are you doing my beautiful people?
I am feeling MUCH better!
Let's hope it's stick this time around ^^

As you guys know, on Tuesday, I woke up feeling sick. It lasted a day or two. I slept most of Wednesday and was starting to feel better on Thursday where I decided to layout the rest of this comic issue.

I'm not entirely done with that, but the sex scene is mostly laid down. I still need to do some research for the facial expressions and visual references, but the main part is there for me to start building on tomorrow.

On Friday, I did my taxes (Very last minute of me. And I'm waiting to hear from my accountant, to see if he'll have the time to fill the forms before the due date), and finished the day drawing Lady Vastra.

Ever since she showed up on "New Who", I've been wanting to try my hand on her. She is quite a challenge for an artist. Lots of details (there are more, not showed here), and it will take quite a while before I get to complete this piece (I don't want it to affect the comic... it's been long enough already), but it's looking great so far.

I've especially been obsessing with this drawing for a few weeks now (not having the time to actually work on it has been frustrating), especially since I saw the first episode of the Silurians on "Classic Who". I do wish the new design was closer to the original ones. I think they where one of the most interesting designs of the first 3 eras. Maybe kept this new look for what the Ice Warriors might have look like under the crocodile skin armor they are wearing (did we ever saw the Ice Warriors in "New Who"? I can't recall). But there no denying that Lady Vastra is a spectacular looking character and I'm trying my best to do her justice.

Speaking of "Classic Who", I'm almost done with the Pertwee era ( just finished "The Monster of Peladon") and I gotta say, he has impressed me quite a bit as the Doctor. Last week I placed him behind Troughton, but he took he leads since then. The funny thing is that, what was turning me off him (the Venusian martial art, the clothes, the bad camp) is what ultimately won me over during his era. I also very much enjoyed the character of Jo Grant. She was fun and gutsy, and rarely the damsel in distress her predecessors were (except Zoe... Zoe ruled!)

I haven't been quite as enamored with Sarah-Jane so far... I don't feel the chemistry with the Doctor that Jo had. But there has to be a reason why she stayed so long on the show and in the public consciousness. So I'm hoping to see more of what she has to bring as we enter the Tom Baker era.

All right, This week.

As mentioned before, I'll start working on page 17 tomorrow, and I'll aim for two pages this week ( I really need to see the back end of this one. It's been long enough! ).

See you guys soon!



Didi Solomon

Love Sarah Jane. You'll probably see why -- in time. But jo Grant (Katy Manning) posed nude with a Dalek. That's hard to beat. ;)


I didn't say I didn't like Sarah-Jane. There's nothing wrong with her character per say... I said I didn't feel she had the right connection with the Doctor. Jon Pertwee's Doctor has a sort of loving dad demeanor to him, which worked great with Jo Grant, who was the youngest member of UNIT, right out of school, always getting in trouble. There, his caress are loving, his words are calming, reassuring... and she responds in kind. The same manors simply do not work with Sara-Jane, who's a full-grown career focused independent journalist. There, his loving caress and calming words feel more infantilizing, denigrating. And Sarah, while still affectionate towards him rarely reacts positively to them. Last night I watched the first storyline with Tom Baker, and their chemistry is already better. And I can't wait to see more of it. I'm really enjoying these watching sessions, and I'm glad I managed to get through the Susan's era this time around. ^^

Mark B

Tom Baker was always my favourite doctor.