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How are you doing my beautiful people?
I'm exhausted... Again.

I slept a hell of a lot yesterday, so I'm feeling better for the moment. And I plan to go to bed early tonight. Let's hope it stick.

Ever since my surgery, those fits of exhaustion have been coming and going more and more. It usually means two things:

1, I'm about to loose a few more pounds or...

2, I'm about to be sick again.

I'm hoping for the first one, but pretty sure it's the second. I use to get two colds every spring and autumns before I made the move to get vaccinated every year. Having just got out of one cold, I can't say I'm surprised that a second one is coming. Anyways... No sense in worrying about it now, but I did make a note of talking about it with my medical team during the next round of rendez-vous.

This week

Assuming my energy levels are up to it, I should release page 16 by Tuesday (Wednesday at the latest). I'm already done with the line work so the hardest part is done.

I haven't laid out the rest of the issue yet. I'll need to do it for the next few pages in one go for sure since we are getting into the steamy parts and I'd like those to feel coherent. I know I'm kindda repeating myself every weeks. But the laying out part takes a LOT of energy out of me. It's where I need to be the most creative, but it's strangely enough also a REALLY boring process. No wonder I'm procrastinating as much as I can, shoveling it farther down the line. Being content as long as I'm moving along at a satisfying rate. Hoping you can forgive me the little inconsistency it usually brings.

Well... That's it for now!
See you real soon!

Edit: Cold Confirmed!



Stay strong Alx! 💪💖You got this!