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Good morning my beautiful people.
I hope you are doing great!

The cold is almost gone. Only traces remain, so I'm feeling quite good at the moment, and I'm super excited to go back to rebuilding my social life ^^

Meanwhile, I've been watching a LOT of classic Doctor Who. I'm in the Jon Pertwee era right now. I honestly wasn't expecting any good with this one. The suit, the fact that it he was stuck on earth and the fake Karate was always a turn off for me. I think Patrick Troughton was better, and Tom Baker is still my favorite (and pretty much the only classic Doctor I watched when I stumbled on a few VSH tapes in my 20's... so I'm open for my ranking to change), but I'm surprise to be enjoying him so much. I REALLY like him as a Doctor.

I am slowly making a list of my favorite female characters to possibly draw. I was thinking doing ALL the companions at a point, but there's a few I wouldn't mind skipping: "GRANDFATHER!!!" That said, I will do something with Victoria Waterfeild at some point. JezusChrist she was gorgeous! I also really liked Polly, Zoe and Sara Kingdom (although I wouldn't count her as a companion)... Oh and I gotta to remember that photographer from "Invasion"!

I can't wait to discover more of them. Sarah Jane Smith is coming soon, and while I remember the few episodes I watched from the 4th era, I can't say I remember the companions. But she's THE classic so...

Ok, enough if this rambling...


I've already started working of the next page so, #15 is coming soon. After that, depending of the time remaining, I'll either start working on #16, laying out the rest of the issue or a pinup. So we'll see how things go. We are on the final stretch. I'm feeling great. Let's do this!

See you guys soon!



Glad you feeling better Alx! Plus i can't wait for the next Wookie sex pages. Take all the time you need, no rush at all.


I love Pertwee. He put some much needed camp in the show. Troughton was a real sourpuss, and rather abusive even for the time. I feel Sylvester McCoy would have become my favourite though, if the show hadn't ended. As to the women, Leela (of the Sevateem) will always be my favourite. Unlike all the others, she chose to join the Doctor, because she saw someone who needed her help. And she chose to leave the Doctor, when she found someone who needed her more. SJS never clicked with me, and the fanwank of the recent series over her has been rather sickening. But then that's all the recent series are anyway.